There have been many memories over 2011, and here is a small glimps of our year. I am blessed to have the family and friends that I do.
Happy New Year everyone!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Photo shoot
Our dear family friend (aka cousin) Taylor took some amazing pictures of our girls. Here are just a few to enjoy. I can't wait to put some of these up on our wall... eventually.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Celebrating my people
In admist my busy life, there are priorities that I cannot forget. Celebrating "my people" (as Nat likes to say) is on top of the list. Even if it means that things get a little hectic before and after the day. Fall keeps me busy as three of my people have birthdays within a few weeks of eachother. I must confess, no super fancy cakes this year, but fun treats none the less.
First, Chelsea. She has a bunch of friends over at the house for a party... and we supplied the sweet treets... owl style.
Then Nat. This year we celebrated five little girls all together, as they all have birthdays within 3 weeks of eachother. Here is their birthday celebration...
And then Nat's family birthday. She loves her pet bunny, hence the bunny cake.
And finally daddy. We don't do the big party, but we do celebrate with cake. I must confess I had to pull a Mr. Mexico pic from last year, as we took a video of him this year rather than pics on his b-day. I am glad to report that Mr. Mexico has left and my husband has returned (another reason to love December).
First, Chelsea. She has a bunch of friends over at the house for a party... and we supplied the sweet treets... owl style.
Then Nat. This year we celebrated five little girls all together, as they all have birthdays within 3 weeks of eachother. Here is their birthday celebration...
And then Nat's family birthday. She loves her pet bunny, hence the bunny cake.
And finally daddy. We don't do the big party, but we do celebrate with cake. I must confess I had to pull a Mr. Mexico pic from last year, as we took a video of him this year rather than pics on his b-day. I am glad to report that Mr. Mexico has left and my husband has returned (another reason to love December).
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
A family get-a-way
I have had a very busy summer and fall due to my new adventure in academia. I have returned to school to complete my master's in business, and it has been tough (to say the least). Balancing family, school, work (I am teaching two classes this fall), friends, church commitments, and my ever so patient husband are challenging. It feels like they are all flying in the air, and some dropping without my ability to even pick them back up (right now... just temporary... I hope).
Well, this, and the fact that our summer vacation was not the relaxing vacation I was hoping for, I was in desperate need of a get-a-way. We got to take off to Birch Bay for the Thanksgiving weekend, and it was an excellent retreat for me (and my family too). We got to spend some quality uninterrupted time together as a family... and a little shopping at the end. The only downside to our little get-a-way... the bed in the master was miserably uncomfortable.
Here are a few pics of our little retreat... I can't wait to go back!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
No longer a baby
Tis a sad thing when you celebrate the last 1st brithday in the family (sad for me, at least). I am still coming to grips with the fact that our family is done growing (the Lord willing... we hope we're done growing). I have this motherly longing for another baby, but when I think of the crying and sleepless nights (the practicality of a baby), I know that our family is complete just the way it is.
Now, on to this little one-year-old... I cannot believe how fast time flies (I think I say that all the time). I wanted to put a lot of effort into Anna's birthday, and so the rainbow theme exploded in our home. Thinking that the summer is a perfect time for a BBQ, that is what we planned for... but our summer did not co-operate. The last-minute tent went up, and we still enjoyed the BBQ party (my husband does an amazing job on the grill).
So, here are a few fun photo's of Anna's big birthday bash! She LOVED the cake, the people, the fun. She's a true party girl.
Now, on to this little one-year-old... I cannot believe how fast time flies (I think I say that all the time). I wanted to put a lot of effort into Anna's birthday, and so the rainbow theme exploded in our home. Thinking that the summer is a perfect time for a BBQ, that is what we planned for... but our summer did not co-operate. The last-minute tent went up, and we still enjoyed the BBQ party (my husband does an amazing job on the grill).
So, here are a few fun photo's of Anna's big birthday bash! She LOVED the cake, the people, the fun. She's a true party girl.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Family Camp
...just a couple of more important catch-up posts, then on to advent.
Our family vacation this year entailed going to family camp at Barnabas. This is an amazing little spot on Keats Island in the Howe Sound. The setting was fantastic. We get to this island via a little ferry with the other campers, and the view took our breath away.
They cater to family, which is why we chose family camp this year. Our family has a large split in ages of out kids, and finding something that will be fun for everyone can be a challenge. Well, family camp was perfect for our kids. Anna was still a little small to appreciate everything that family camp offers (especially with her two naps a day). Chelsea found some amazing friends that she hung out with all week. Natalie had the most amazing camp leader, and had so much fun playing with the other kids her age. We enjoyed a great speaker for the adult sessions. There was even water activities that we got to do... Nat went tubing for the first time, and Cheslea had a blast on the hot dog thingy.
Family camp was not all perfect for me, though. I was stuck with a school schedule that started earlier than anticipated, so I was reading and doing homework in some of my free time. Also, the weather was not very good, mostly cold and rainy (and lots of rainy), which really affected me emotionally. The Thursday I broke down emotionally... I was supposed to be enjoying our family vacation... and it just didn't feel very fun (for me only, of course)! I prayed that the Lord help me appreciate the good and accept the weather and the dreariness and that He lift my sprirts. Well, I serve an amazing God, and He cares for me, because that was the turning point in the trip for me (a little late, mind you).
Barnabas was a fantastic family vacation... next time I just need to make sure my heart is in the right place to truely enjoy the wonder of what I have been blessed with...
Our family vacation this year entailed going to family camp at Barnabas. This is an amazing little spot on Keats Island in the Howe Sound. The setting was fantastic. We get to this island via a little ferry with the other campers, and the view took our breath away.
They cater to family, which is why we chose family camp this year. Our family has a large split in ages of out kids, and finding something that will be fun for everyone can be a challenge. Well, family camp was perfect for our kids. Anna was still a little small to appreciate everything that family camp offers (especially with her two naps a day). Chelsea found some amazing friends that she hung out with all week. Natalie had the most amazing camp leader, and had so much fun playing with the other kids her age. We enjoyed a great speaker for the adult sessions. There was even water activities that we got to do... Nat went tubing for the first time, and Cheslea had a blast on the hot dog thingy.
Family camp was not all perfect for me, though. I was stuck with a school schedule that started earlier than anticipated, so I was reading and doing homework in some of my free time. Also, the weather was not very good, mostly cold and rainy (and lots of rainy), which really affected me emotionally. The Thursday I broke down emotionally... I was supposed to be enjoying our family vacation... and it just didn't feel very fun (for me only, of course)! I prayed that the Lord help me appreciate the good and accept the weather and the dreariness and that He lift my sprirts. Well, I serve an amazing God, and He cares for me, because that was the turning point in the trip for me (a little late, mind you).
Barnabas was a fantastic family vacation... next time I just need to make sure my heart is in the right place to truely enjoy the wonder of what I have been blessed with...
Ariving at Barnabas. (click on the pic to better see the view)
Water activities.
Family photo time.
Saying goodbye...

Sunday, November 27, 2011
The best birthday ever!
Today we celebrated my husband's birthday, which takes me back to my birthday at the beginning of summer. Can you recall your BEST birthday ever? Well, this was mine, and I am thrilled to share it with you, as I got to with so many this year.
The day was not about me. In the morning we had a formal engagement party to attend in Surrey (Depak's cousin), and went to our church family picnic right after in Hope, with lunch and a change of clothes on the way. And with all this happening, I had to miss out on the ball game in the morning.
The most amazing part of my day was what happened at the church picnic...
I praise God for my children, they truely are blessings to our lives. But when I see my child make faith an integral part of her life, now that is worthy of PRAISE! Along with a couple of other youth, Chelsea was baptized in the lake at the picnic. She followed in the will of her Heavenly Father and made a public declaration of her faith in her Saviour.
Her testimony left both Depak and I in tears, along with so many others there. She shared some of her struggles, and how she had to place her dependence on her Heavenly Father for strength. To know that she is a child of the King is special, to see her depend on the strength of her God is amazing. Chelsea is a beautiful young lady, and I know that God will work out His perfect will in her life.
The day was not about me. In the morning we had a formal engagement party to attend in Surrey (Depak's cousin), and went to our church family picnic right after in Hope, with lunch and a change of clothes on the way. And with all this happening, I had to miss out on the ball game in the morning.
The most amazing part of my day was what happened at the church picnic...
I praise God for my children, they truely are blessings to our lives. But when I see my child make faith an integral part of her life, now that is worthy of PRAISE! Along with a couple of other youth, Chelsea was baptized in the lake at the picnic. She followed in the will of her Heavenly Father and made a public declaration of her faith in her Saviour.
Her testimony left both Depak and I in tears, along with so many others there. She shared some of her struggles, and how she had to place her dependence on her Heavenly Father for strength. To know that she is a child of the King is special, to see her depend on the strength of her God is amazing. Chelsea is a beautiful young lady, and I know that God will work out His perfect will in her life.
Thank-you Chelsea for the best birthday ever!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
I don't know how else to describe it... LIFE. My hiatus from blogging over the past six months was not intentional, life just didn't allow enough breathing room to spend on frivilous things. I will share some of the why, and some of the happenings over our busy six months, I just wanted to connect here again.
To start, my little girls and I took a trip to Manitoba to visit my family and brand new nephew Braysen in May. Here are a couple picture collages. It has been too long since I've seen my nieces and nephews, and it was good to connect with them again.
To start, my little girls and I took a trip to Manitoba to visit my family and brand new nephew Braysen in May. Here are a couple picture collages. It has been too long since I've seen my nieces and nephews, and it was good to connect with them again.
I got to take the girls to the zoo for the first time. We went with a former Abbotsford friend (who now lives in Wpg) and her two kids, Kristene, Zach & Emma. Kristene was two days away from delivering her 3rd child, what a brave woman.
We stayed with my parents in my uncle Cornie's trailer, as my parents don't live in Steinbach. It would have been so much better if it wasn't so cold for the first 3 or 4 days were were there.
Connecting with family. Nat and Hayden played well together, most of the time.
Baking cookies with my nieces
We got to have a barbeque with my family - to visit everyone all at once, and the sun came out.
The girls hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa at the trailer. It was hard to be confined to the small space, but we had a good visit.
Steinbach has an awesome indoor pool. We love going with my brothers and their families.
DQ after a swin, and saying bye to Grandma and Grandpa. We will miss them, its hard having Grandma and Grandpa so far away.
Hanging out with some special friends.
On our way home. A good trip, but now we're tired.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Beautiful girls of mine
Here is a photo of my girls and I on Mothers Day. Its the best we could get of Natalie. I am a very lucky mom to have these three beauties in my life.
I don't get to take a lot of photos of Chelsea. Stage of life thing, I guess. She's not as available as the other two (she's away at school and youth, etc.). So, the fact that she takes photos of herself make my job a lot easier. She's a beauty, and I'm torn between showing her off to the world and hiding her in a closet. We definitely are protective parents, and sometimes it feels easier to hide our daughter from the world so as to try to protect her then to allow her to grow up and discover the good and bad that she'll eventually encounter. We are learning, and seek God and the wisdom of others around us, so that we can raise Chelsea to be a young woman in Christ in our secular world. "He's got the whole world in His hands...", now its our turn to trust the words to this song.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
There's more to April...
I found this on the living room floor by Nat's little table. It's a lock of her hair. If you've ever seen her hair, it has yet to be cut. Well, she took care of that for us. As her hair is so curly, I'm not sure where she cut her hair, but a lock is now missing. Her daddy was pretty sad to hear this, as he doesn't want her hair cut.
Just a few pics of some happenings at our place. Anna has been moving quite quickly in the development, as she started shuffle crawling, on to full out crawling three days later, to walking along furniture, climbing up stairs, and standing by herself for short periods of time. She's been busy this April. Nat is forever doing "art", from drawing to coloring to painting. She loves Mr. Maker and wants me to make crafts with her. Daddy's been busy this month with work, but we got a nice pic of the little girls with daddy goofing off after a long day at work. Oh, and the blue picture, that one's compliments of Chelsea. Her creative photography leaves some strange pictures on my camera. Guess what that is...
We also got a couple of play dates with friends.And a VERY special HaPpY bIrThDaY goes out to our little Arjun Bahji. Love ya little guy!!! p.s. the Elmo cupcakes were pretty awesome.
The Easter Outfit
After one look at my girls on Easter Sunday morning, so many older ladies told me of the times when their moms would dress them and their sisters in matching Easter dresses. The girls received so many compliments on how cute they were (yes, Chelsea was extra cute too).
I got the idea after I saw a friend's daughters in matching tutus. I googled how to make a tutu, and off I went. It was easy to find video instructions on the internet. I bought the tulle using 40% off coupons from Michaels (took a few trips). They were so easy to make, the hardest part was cutting the tulle (buying the 6" tulle rolls made that easier).
And what can I say, these girls were soooo cute.
I got the idea after I saw a friend's daughters in matching tutus. I googled how to make a tutu, and off I went. It was easy to find video instructions on the internet. I bought the tulle using 40% off coupons from Michaels (took a few trips). They were so easy to make, the hardest part was cutting the tulle (buying the 6" tulle rolls made that easier).
And what can I say, these girls were soooo cute.
After church we enjoyed our traditional Easter dinner with the Lusty family (only one Cornwall this time). Uncle Walter got the usual loves from Natalie. Anna took to everyone (auntie Barb in the top left), which was good for mom. We even had the egg hunt in between the drizzly rain. We left before we got too disappointed with the game (which had an eventual good ending).
Just as an aside... Tasha (one of the beautiful dogs in the top pic) will be missed. Easter was the last time we got to see her... she was a wonderful dog.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
A bunch of April...
I've not been able to take time to get my blogging done, so I'm catching up (such a common theme, do wish I could be ahead).
Little princesses... Nat got to go to a princess party. The girls dressed up in their pretty dresses, made crowns and wands, and even had a tea party. Even a couple of us ladies got all fancied up (we're hiding in the very top left of the photo - click photo to expand). Such a beautiful bunch of girls.
We look forward to the Good Friday service at church every year. Breakfast served by the men, a very reflective art walk, and a service that draws our focus to the CROSS. Its a tradition that is so meaningful to our existence as Christians. Well, we even got sun in amidst this rainy April. We enjoyed a fantastic walk around the lake with friends, which included fishing a grocery cart out of the water (compliments of a Mr. Koetsier).
The kids got to participate in the Easter season with performing a play on Passover Sunday. A lot of work went into preparing for the play, and it was fantastic. Nat was supposed to be with the 3-5's and sit on the floor through most of it, but she was so excited about singing with the choir she just had to be on stage. She sat when she was supposed to, stood and sang her best when the choir sang. I was so proud of her. Anna wasn't in the play, but she was cute none the less.
SNOW... in APRIL, yikes!!! Good thing it lasted only a morning. (apr 14th)

OK, so I'm not actually potty training my 9 month old... just allowing her to get familiar with the potty. Oh, but she was so cute sitting there... I'm sure she's not going to like me for these when she gets a bit older. Love ya Anna! ;)
Nat had her first real tooth checkup this month. She visited the dentist last October, but it was really for a chair ride and a quick glance at the TV. She allowed the dental hygienist to clean her teeth while she wore sunglasses and had her eyes glued to the TV above. Although she behaved spectacularly, it wasn't a good trip... turns out those little teeth had 4 cavities. She's got her grandmother's teeth, what can we say. And... no more chocolate Bhabba Ji.We look forward to the Good Friday service at church every year. Breakfast served by the men, a very reflective art walk, and a service that draws our focus to the CROSS. Its a tradition that is so meaningful to our existence as Christians. Well, we even got sun in amidst this rainy April. We enjoyed a fantastic walk around the lake with friends, which included fishing a grocery cart out of the water (compliments of a Mr. Koetsier).
Sunny days mean the kids get to escape to the back yard. Not very many of these nice days this spring, so enjoying it while we can.
Here are a few more of Chelsea's creative photos. Anna at 9 months.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Hi ho, hi ho, its off to school we go...
One morning I asked Chacha Ji (uncle Parveen) to take Nat to school as Anna was having a late nap. Nat wanted to go on her scooter, so he walked Arjun and Nat several blocks to the preschool. Well, the trip took a lot longer than anticipated, as Nat did not last very long on her scooter. Parveen put the scooter on the stroller and got Nat to walk. Again, that didn't last very long, and Parveen ended up putting her on his shoulders and carried her to school. I am so thankful for my extended family, they care so much for us and would do anything for our kids. Thanks Chacha Ji!!!
Nat does look pretty cute though.
Nat does look pretty cute though.
Spring break and a childhood friend
This year we got to host a childhood best friend, our sweet Tarryn. Tarryn is an extension of our family, a piece that has been missing for three years. Chelsea was so excited to find out that she was coming to Abby for spring break, and we got to have her in our home for nearly a week. These two girls were so excited to be together, I'm surprised our roof managed to stay on the house (with all the screaming they did all week). Chelsea's already planning on going out to Calgary for a visit as soon as she can. We are glad these two were able to reunite again and continue where they left off.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Some March happenings...
Spring so far has been pretty full for us, but just busy without major milestones to show for it. But, the family is still having fun, loving eachother, growing bigger and smarter every day. Here are a few pics of my family. I love them!!!
(Oh, and my husband barely made the collage... he's so busy with tax season. I'm so glad April is nearly complete.)
(Oh, and my husband barely made the collage... he's so busy with tax season. I'm so glad April is nearly complete.)
A comment on the picture of Nat and the balloon. She wanted to take the balloon to nap, and she fell asleep with it.
And our Anna, she keeps getting bigger. Here she is at 8 months. She was not crawling at this point, but she did like to stand next to furniture. She still had no teeth, but that doesn't stop her from eating everything she can. She loves toast for breakfast, and chicken and rice for dinner. She's our pumpkin.

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