Thursday, June 2, 2011

There's more to April...

I found this on the living room floor by Nat's little table. It's a lock of her hair. If you've ever seen her hair, it has yet to be cut. Well, she took care of that for us. As her hair is so curly, I'm not sure where she cut her hair, but a lock is now missing. Her daddy was pretty sad to hear this, as he doesn't want her hair cut.
Just a few pics of some happenings at our place.  Anna has been moving quite quickly in the development, as she started shuffle crawling, on to full out crawling three days later, to walking along furniture, climbing up stairs, and standing by herself for short periods of time.  She's been busy this April.  Nat is forever doing "art", from drawing to coloring to painting.  She loves Mr. Maker and wants me to make crafts with her.  Daddy's been busy this month with work, but we got a nice pic of the little girls with daddy goofing off after a long day at work.  Oh, and the blue picture, that one's compliments of Chelsea.  Her creative photography leaves some strange pictures on my camera.  Guess what that is...
We also got a couple of play dates with friends.
And a VERY special HaPpY bIrThDaY goes out to our little Arjun Bahji.  Love ya little guy!!!  p.s. the Elmo cupcakes were pretty awesome.

1 comment:

Elise Susanne said...

I need to get some of those pictures from you for our yearly album! I love looking at pictures of me as a little girl with my friends (I remember each of them) and I know my kids will want that as well.