Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last but not least, Christmas with the Zseder's

Mel came out for Christmas this year, so it was great being able to catch up with her. Christmas with the Zseder's means food and games. We love being a part of the family.

Ever spoiled with gifts.

Christmas dinner. I can't believe how big these kids are. And Mel, beautiful as ever.

Nat seems to not settle well at Christmas. We had to pull out the carrier again this Christmas.


We get so busy with Christmas, all the family, food, gifts. This year we tried to make life simple, but still ended up busy. We hope to instill in our girls that Christmas is about Jesus, and all the celebration is because of the gift that God bestowed to us at Christmas time. We are so thankful for all that we have, and for our loving God who would value us enough to send us the gift in Jesus.

As a recap of where our Christmas went, here are a few snapshots of our Christmas.

Christmas eve with the Lusty / Cornwall family.

Christmas morning at our house.

Christmas evening with Depak's family.


We were blessed this Christmas with snow!!! Chelsea prayed for a White Christmas, and got it this year. But along with the white Christmas comes a lot of shovelling. My husband's back is still very sore, and mine too a little. He did a lot more shovelling than me this year.

Christmas eve this is how much snow I shovelled off the driveway. Depak had shovelled the day before, and I got the next day, which was significantly more snow.
Here Chelsea fell back into the snow. Now that's a lot of snow for Abby.
Forever my posing girl. I think I have this picture of her every year.
We went sledding, it was great, but we don't look all that good afterward. Fun times though.

Church family skate

One thing we look forward to every year is the church family skate. It's become a part of our Christmas tradition.

Family photo. This one's not super clear, but we're all there. So much fun (although my toes got really cold this year, better socks needed next year).

Our little snowman. I love the suit (it was my midnight shopping at Superstore purchase).

Chelsea and her friends. Gotta have the classic group shot.

Natalie spent so much time afterwards pushing the stroller around. It was so funny.

The only pic I got of Walt was at the end with Natalie. He was too busy playing hockey to hang with us this time.

I need to blog before this year is done!!!

Since I've been back to work, this little venture that I started has been neglected. And since we're still in 2008, I thought I'd get you all caught up with the life of a Parmar. So, here's a few pics...

Here are the girls when we were picking out our tree. It was the first very cold day we had. Brrrrr!!!!!

Aren't they beautiful.

And goofy Natalie. I don't know where she gets it from.

Chelsea sang with the kids in the Christmas theatre. Everyone did great, and Chelsea looks stunning.
First snow fall of 2008. We got a lot of snow, and it was great.