Monday, July 12, 2010

Keeping cool

Although we haven't had much warm weather yet, the one scorcher week we got last week required a lot of "keeping cool" tactics.  We headed out to the water park in town and played for a small bit in the water.  Nat does not like the sprinklers, and she didn't want to get wet.  She'd rather play at the park, and she really wanted to play in the pool next to the water park.  At least we had watermellon to cool down.
The next day, I took Nat to the pool.  Since its pretty deep, I had to hold on to her the whole time, but she loved being in the water.  It was hard to get her to come out when I was tired.  To top the day off, Nat got a mini ice cream cone.
We also went to the kids play time at the local rec centre, and Nat had a blast running around in the gym.  She does have to learn to share and not take toys away from the little kids (but she's too intimidated to play with the bigger kids).  We escaped to various shopping centres in the evenings to avoid the heat, and slept in the basement to keep a little cooler at night. 

Now, we're back to a week of cooler weather... go figure!

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