Saturday, July 31, 2010

All dressed up for church

As we did not know what we were having during pregnancy, we did not purchase any gender specific clothing for our little one.  So, as we were headed to church the next day, we ventured out to the mall on Saturday to find little Anna a dress.  I don't believe we dressed Natalie in a dress for her first Sunday at church, so we didn't have any little dresses from when Nat was a newborn.  As Anna was only 4 days old, the venture to the mall was a little much for me, but it was worth it as Anna looked too beautiful on Sunday.  Since we were all dressed up, we got a family photo taken as well.
And heres Nat and Anna at the mall.


Barb said...

Too cute!!

Elise Susanne said...

So precious Tillie! You're going to have many adventures there I'm sure with four beautiful ladies to attire in your household:)