Saturday, May 29, 2010

A little vacation in Osoyoos

We were so blessed to be able to take some time away this May long weekend to see the beautiful Osoyoos.  We were a little worried about the long drive out there with Nat, but she slept for a large portion of it... and it didn't feel all that long once we were driving. 
We got to the suite and were blown away by the view.  This is such a beautiful province we live in, and the sunset on the water was spectacular.  We were amazed every day looking out the patio... I coudn't help but take pictures of this every day.
The hotel we stayed at was amazing as well.  We got a one bedroom suite, so we had a kitchen (with a dishwasher), living room with a sofa bed, large bathroom (with laundry), and a king-sized bed.  It was a home away from home.  We were able to eat all our meals in our suite, without feeling closterphobic.  We had a small patio that overlooked the pool... just a fabulous place to go.
And the pool was a lot of fun for us.  We enjoyed the pool every day, even though it wasn't the warmest outside each day.  The pool was heated, and there were two hot tubs.  It was a neat experience sitting in the hot tub and overlooking the lake.  Nat hasn't spent much time in a pool, but she loved it.  Sure helps that her big sister is so willing to play with her in the pool.  Chelsea is a very patient big sister.
There was also a small private beach for the hotel residents, with a dock.  In the mornings we saw the bass swim up almost to shore.  They were so large.  This was Depak's favorite place to be... I think because he wanted to catch the fish and cook it.  Nat did not like getting sand in her shoes (she would stop every two feet to take the sand out), but she did enjoy playing in the sand.  I got to make sand castles for her, and then she'd smash them down.  Chelsea was content with just sitting and relaxing.

We didn't stress about doing a lot while we were there... just relaxing and hanging out.  It was great family time, and very relaxing, which was very needed after the busy season that we just finished... and the busy season we are about to enter with a new addition.  Here is a family pic from on the beach. 

Monday, May 24, 2010

Just having fun

May has been quite memorable for our family... with something planned for every weekend.  We've been keeping busy, but having a great time at it.

Natalie loves to be outside, and is content to just play in the dirt with me while I'm weeding the garden.  I love that she's becoming such a little person, and is able to enjoy just being with us where ever we are.

Family is so special too... with Bhaba ji and his grandbabies... Nat discovering cousins (she's actaully able to play well with them at this age)... we've really been enjoying all the birthday get togethers this spring.  This one is a special happy birthday to Phua ji!

A friend told us about the customer apreciation day out at Hell's Gate, so I convinced our family to go.  We got to take a special friend along, and enjoyed some time out past beautiful Hope.  We spent way more time in the car than we actaully did at Hell's Gate, but it was fun none the less.  I'm glad we went, as the regular rates to take the tram are a little pricy for us.  We are very fortunate to live in beautiful British Columbia.

And then there's my growing bundle... I'm quite hesitant to take pictures in this state, but it is good to look back and see the stages of this little baby's growth.  Here I am at 32 weeks... only 8 to go!  (the photo is a little fuzzy as there was a large fingerprint on the lens)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Annual track and field

I love track meets, they were one of my favorite days in school growing up.  Chelsea isn't the most eager to participate in track, but since its still mandatory this year, she took part in a few events.  The weather was fabulous, with the sun shining down all day.  Nat and I met Chelsea at the track for lunch and then hung around to see her take part in shot-put and long-jump (no ribbons, but Chelsea doesn't seem to mind - its more about the social aspect for her).

One thing I am amazed about over and over is the bond my girls have.  To see Nat adore her didi (big sister), and to see Chelsea love on her little sister (I don't have a punjabi word for that one)... just makes my heart melt.  I'm excited and hesitant to see what a new little one will add to the mix.

Friday, May 14, 2010

What a great family!

I am so blessed by the wonderful family that I have.  My husband and girls took me out for a buffet lunch on Mothers Day, which I truely enjoyed.  The chocolate covered strawberries alone were worth it!  Chelsea and I got to spend the afternoon outdoors.  Although it involved washing the car and planting flowers, it was so nice to be in the sun and spend time together.  Natalie was napping, otherwise it would have been great to just hang out with my girls. 

We spent Mothers Day evening with Depak's family, just hanging out.  Its great to see the cousins playing together, spending time with Bhabba Ji and Grandma.  I am so glad that we have some family close by.

Although I didn't get to spend the day with my mom, I do get to look forward to her visit this summer after the baby is born.  My parents seem so far away some days, but I've developed a relationship with my mom over the phone recently which I was nevery really good at.  We talk on the phone frequently now, and I will always be kept up to date on the happenings of my family back in MB, as my mom is very quick to call with news.  Love ya mom!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Such a wonder to watch these stages in life...

It's amazing how wonderful it feels when you witness your child trying something new.  Nat loves these white shoes, and tries so hard to get them herself.  Sometimes she's successful, other times she gets frustrated... but it is wonderful watching her learn.  It is such a blessing being a parent... I trust that God will continue to lead us in raising our children, and cherish all the little things.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I love you...

... you love me... you know the rest of the words. Its not my favorite kids song, as the big purple dinasour isn't allowed at our house, but Nat is too cute when she sings it. She was singing for her cousin Pierre.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A season of busy...

This winter/spring has been extremely busy for our family... work has kept us on the go for too long.  But, now as this season is passing, I have free time to sit here and jot my thoughts down.  Its surprising how it is hard to slow down after being on the go for so long, but I am glad for the slower next couple of months, as I need more rest as this baby's arrival draws nearer.

Its been tough going through these last months, both physically and emotionally.  Physically my body is having a hard time adjusting to the largeness of this baby inside.  I'm aching more than normal... but it may be partially due to exhaustion.  I'm hoping some walks outdoors will help as we count down to this baby's arrival - only 10 weeks to go (plus a week as I'm usually late).

We've tried so hard to make sure we get some good family time in here and there, but juggling both our busy schedules has made it hard for Depak and I to see eachother.  Its so hard to make the effort to connect at the end of a hectic day when we're both so spent.  I hope we get some much needed time out soon just to reconnect.  I'm also looking forward to reconnecting with friends, which comes easier as the weather warms also.

During this past month, although I haven't had much time for much, I do make sure I enjoy the girls as much as I can.  Here are some photos of Nat playing on the Trampoline one afternoon (Depak got to take Chelsea out to see the Globe Trotters - I opted to hang out at home).  She's starting to get some air too.

April has so many birthdays for us to celebrate as well.  Natalie loves to wish people happy birthday... and especially her special uncle Walter.  Its a birthday I remember wanting to forget, and I think Walt felt the same way... the big 3-0!  I was fortunate enough to get to make his cake... angel food cake with chocolate whipping icing... yum!  And the 30 turned out pretty good.  Hope you had a great day Walt!

Our nephew Pierre also had a birthday, which was so much fun.  They rented the gym at the Guilford Rec Centre, and had a bunch of toys out for the kids to play with.  Pierre also got a special Thomas the Train cake... he loves Thomas!

And our little Arjun celebrated his first birthday too!!! Happy birthday Arjun!!!  He has this amazing cake, and a "little slugger" themed party with a baseball piñata.  His mom did a great job with the decorations.