Saturday, November 1, 2008

My pumpkins

I thought it was neat that I had two pumpkins for Halloween yesterday. Here's some pics of Chelsea and Natalie in their costumes. Can you tell my girls love eachother?

And the pumpkins were carved by Chelsea. She did a great job!


Andy said...

so cute! They definitely look like they are loving being sisters! Very cute costumes!

Barb said...

They are so cute, so you actually got Chelsea to be a pumpkin. I can't believe Natalie is going to be 1 tomorrow. So hard to believe it's been a whole year but on the other hand we can't imagine life without her in our family.

Christa said...

Cutie pie pumpkins! I love that Chelsea is not too "cool" to dress in a costume that matches with her baby sister. You're an awesome big sister Chelsea!