Thursday, June 17, 2010

Faith of a teen

We have been amazed at the faith of our oldest daughter for years... her love of her Savior and her boldness in Christ.  This was especially aparent as she's been mentioning the talks her and a friend have been having with another class mate about Christ and their faith.  We were even more encouraged when she asked if she could give two of her friends Bibles.  Wow... what an encouragement.  How often do my own personal inhibitions keep me from being a testimony for Christ?  She is someone we are so very proud of... and we can learn a lot from.

Not only are we blessed by her zeal, but we did not want to put any hinderances in her way... so, Daddy took her to the local Christian book store and they picked out a couple of Bibles for her friends.

We trust God's blessing on our beautiful daughter... she is beautiful in so many ways!


Barb said...

We could all learn from her example. Definitely something for mom & dad to be proud of.

Elise Susanne said...

So, SO amazing to have a daughter like Chelsea. I hope she can continue carrying her faith on her sleeve, so to speak. What an amazing testimony to God's faithfulness in your lives with the courage he's given Chelsea.

Christa said...

Wow! What an amazing girl you have. It is so encouraging to me, to know that we have youth in our church who are not apathetic, but are reaching out to the lost. And she is a wonderful example to those younger than her, like my kids!