Monday, February 9, 2009

Another year has gone by

Last week was our anniversary, and I can't believe another year has gone by. Sometimes it feels like yesterday that we got married, sometimes it feels like forever since we got married. These three years have definately been an adventure that has stretched both myself and my husband what we imagined.

We have realized many things in our marriage, but one thing we know for sure, marriage is hard work. We knew going into our marriage that committment was number one, and we would never waiver from that. This was a decision we made, and being married is a continual decision, and we continue to chose to love eachother and commit to eachother.

I am very fortunate for the husband that I have. He is a very dedicated husband and father; he is a provider; he is handsome; he is a hard worker; he is dedicated to Christ. It is good for me to stop and come up with descriptors of who my husband is, reminds me of why I married him in the first place.

I love you honey, and happy anniversary.

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