Chelsea turned twelve this week. I can't believe how time flies. It was not that long ago that I took her home from the hospital, moved to Abbotsford with her, and the list goes on and on. Chelsea, we pray special blessings over you. Always look to Jesus as your strength. Psalm 121:8 The Lord will protect you both now and forever.

These are the spider cupcakes and little pumpkins we made for the party. We spent a lot of time coming up with the perfect crafts and nicknacks for the party. Most of what I found was from other people's blogs (thank-you ladies for awesome tips).

Chelsea and her friend jumping before the party. Look at Chelsea go. For how high she's going, she could jump into the neighbors yard.

Here are the girls. They all had a great time. But let me tell you, girls get louder and scream more as they grow older. And who said only boys wrestle, we had a couple of wrestling matches (or pile ons) at the party. Fun was definately had by all.

Here's the birthday girl and her cupcake tower. Thanks Tammy for lending us the cupcake tower. It worked out great.
Again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHELSEA. We love you and are excited to see how God works in your life as you grow, both in age and in Him.
She is a beautiful little lady..I've been noticing in church lately how she's growing so gracefully as she'll soon head into the teenage years. Happy Birthday Chelsea!
Very cool! I love the birthday ideas (I'll be calling you for ideas for Annie as she gets older if that's okay).
Chelsea - You really are a wonderful young woman. I admire how you and your mom have adjusted to life with just the two of you at first and now with a wonderful father and sister! You beautiful smile is so genuine and a pleasure to see. Keep that open, honest communication you have with your mom and dad and keep putting God first!
Happy Birthday.
Aw - beautiful post for a beautiful girl. You're doing something right Tillie, and you're an encouragement to me that I don't have to be terrified of the pre-teen and teen years that are quickly approaching. :)
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