Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"I'm turning 13 next year..."

This is Chelsea's new thing, she's going to be 13 next year (she has yet to turn 12 though, she's getting a little ahead of herself). Wow, I cannot believe my baby will be a teenager before we know it. She insists that she's no longer my baby, especially since Natalie's come, but as Robert Munsch states...

"I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be"

My last post I mentioned a lot of accomplishments over the past 10 years. Well, the major inspiration for these was Chelsea. Circumstances had that I was a young mom, but this was the major driving factor in all that has happened since she's been born. I was truely blessed by God the day Chelsea came into my life. He gave me a reason to hope, a reason to live. Chelsea, I love you, forever!

Here are a few pix of Chelsea over the last few years. I've only been digital for 2 years, I could pull out the many albums of her, but I think that's a bit much. Enjoy.


Elise Susanne said...

See you're a great mom! Chelsea is blessed to have you even if she doesn't exactly see it or understand it yet. If I've learned anything since becoming a mom it's that it's not as easy as it looks and we should always appreciate the wonderful moms we have in our own lives that helped us through some rough patches. Look forward to the accomplishment of raising beautiful, godly children and I know God will honor that.

jc said...

Tillie, I just found your blog through Elise and Christa. So glad to read more about you and your family's lives, and happy belated 30th b-day! I love the wedding photos you posted on facebook too - you guys are beautiful people inside and out!