Why is it that tears come when you know that God's will has been accomplished in a life; when you know that the legacy that follows will continue to touch the souls who knew Len. Not tears for a death, but for an absence of life. Selfish tears as we come to grips with a missing part of our today, yet joyous tears as we rejoice in the hope of tomorrow.
Over the past couple of days, I have been forced to readjust my focus. Being naturally far sighted, it takes corrective lenses to see in the distance. When I take my glasses off, all I can see is what is directly in front of me. This seems to be a metaphor of my vision in life, and how I only focus on the task immediately facing me. It takes corrective action to adjust my vision to the long-term focus and my ultimate goal. Len, your passing has forced some corrective lenses on my eyes, and has brought Heaven into focus. It's not about whether we have tomorrow here, but rather if our tomorrow will be with our Lord.
Len, you've touched our lives. Nat and Anna (especially Anna) looked forward to Papa Len coming over on Friday nights. Chelsea loved to hear Papa Len speak into her life and encourage her towards her goal of going on a missions trip. Depak and I loved the constant and honest man that was Len Sperling: the mentor, the student, the encourager, the cheerleader. Major Len, we were only touched by a small part of the man that you were, but we are thankful to our Lord for the work that he has done, and will continue to do, through you.
We'll see you on the other side, Papa Len.

(Chelsea was sad when we didn't have a pic of her and Papa Len)