Ringing in the New Year: we joined our care group this year to ring in the new year. It was a very nice and relaxing evening. Chelsea was hesitant to play crocinole (a traditional mennonite game), but she was a good sport. Anna did not nap well during the evening, and decided to ring in the new year with all the adults (and teen). Nat was excited about sleeping at Uncle Kevin and Auntie Lianne. We picked a sleeping Nat up and brought her home. She woke up at around 2:30 am screaming, as she was not sure where she was (she didn't wake up in the bed she went to sleep in). It took about 1/2 an hour to assure her that she was at home in her bed.
Another party? Nothing like starting the new year with yet another party. Just to get together with friends, the Tams opened up their home so a bunch of us brought our kids, our left over Christmas goodies and snacks and had a great evening with a whole lot of laughter. There were a few crazies that showed up, not sure who invited them, but they were pretty funny looking. :)
Happy Birthday Chacha Ji. For Parveen's birthday we enjoyed some good hockey: Heat vs. Moose. The arena was full, and the majority of the crowd was cheering for the Moose, except for Mukesh (and his new recruit). Nat loves watching hockey, but told Phuphar Ji that it was too slippery for her to play. She did want to be a part of the green team though (the Moose).
Nat's first sleepover! Actually, I was watching the Tam kids for the night, but Nat loved that her friends were staying over. The girls had fun dressing up, watching a movie, and reading stories. She was very jealous that she couldn't sleep in the games room with the kids. Between all the kids (mine included), I was up four times. Alas, the life of a mom!
She's chowing down on veggies! Anna started eating veggies at the beginning of January. She was totally OK with the green veggies, until I introduced the orange ones. Now the green ones will not get eaten. Can't blame her, purreed green goup looks (and tastes) disgusting. She's moved on to mixed veggies with meat, and she loves her fruit. She also loves Baby Mum Mum's and the veggie puff stars. I think she'll enjoy real food, can't wait to get out of the mush stage.
Snow! Snow! We actually got some SNOW! This was to be a cold and snowy winter, but we've seen so little of it. We got a decent amount at the beginning of January, so Nat and I went sledding with our crazy carpet. It was getting late in the afternoon by the time we finished shovelling the driveway, but we went for a short while. She loved it, and its fun for me too.
Chelsea had a snow day too , so we ventured out to the Stadium to sled with the rest of the neighborhood. The snow was melting by then, so we got soaked. As for Anna, she wasn't a fan of being so bundled up, so she didn't enjoy it as much. She stayed with Grandma while I took the other girls sledding.

Nat started preschool! In the fall I wasn't comfortable with Nat going to preschool, as she was only 2. But, being home with her I realized that she needed more socializing and stimilus, which she wasn't getting enough at home. Having the baby around makes it harder to go out, and trying to be a preschool teacher every day is challenging. We were lucky to find a good preschool by our place that had a space available for her. Here's Nat on her first day. To say she was a little excited is an understatement.
Look who's 6 months old already. I can't believe this little babe of ours is getting so big already. She's sitting well, reaching around for all her toys, eating her fruits and veggies, trying to stand and walk around (with our help, or course), and definitely getting our attention (if it's not her yells, it's her smiles). What a joy she is. Love you our little Anna Simran.
The Christmas present finally got completed, only 3 weeks late. I had started Anna's blanket at the beginning of December, and was trying hard to complete it in three weeks, but it took 6 weeks before it was finally done. But, its beautiful and Anna loves it. Now, on to the next project: my nephew's making his arrival in May so another blanket is under way. I've also got an idea for next Christmas for all the kiddo's (nieces and nephews included, if I get the time to get it all done). I am glad I took up crochetting again.